Tardy Policy

Tardy Policy

Punctuality is a student responsibility. Failure to enter the classroom prior to the final ringing of the tardy bell will be recorded as a tardy, or as stipulated in writing by the teacher and signed by all students as classroom procedures.

The building administration may prohibit student admission to class when a student is tardy. Such a measure may be necessary either on a selected or continuing basis to ensure that tardiness does not disrupt the educational process.

Students detained by a teacher must obtain a pass from that teacher before attempting to be admitted to their next class. Students may not leave a class to which they are tardy in an attempt to solicit a pass.

Multiple tardies to any class will result in disciplinary action.

All tardies will be reported to the Deans'/Attendance office on the day of the tardy. Students accumulating multiple tardies, per class, per semester, will be counseled and/or disciplined.

Truancy Policy

Students are expected to remain in the building during their regularly scheduled school day. Under no circumstances are students to leave the building without the permission of the dean or school nurse. TO DO SO WILL BE TREATED AS TRUANCY. If a student becomes ill during the school day and receives permission from the nurse to go home, he or she will be given a pass from the nurse. This pass should be turned in to the Attendance Office before leaving school. Students will be released to the custody of their parents or guardians in the Attendance Office. If no parents or guardians are available, permission must be received from an assistant principal before the student is released.

Requests to leave school for other reasons must be verified by a telephone call from the parent/ guardian, and official, written verification that the appointment occurred (e.g. doctor/dentist note, verification of court date or college visit.) An excuse from school will be granted by the deans for only those matters that cannot be scheduled at any other time than during the school day.

Truancy is any day or period of non-attendance which is determined by school personnel as unexcused.

Single Period Truancy

The first single class truancy will result in an intervention from the Truancy Office.  Each subsequent infraction moves the student to additional interventions.  Students accumulating 6 unexcused absences to a single class period may be dropped from class for truancy with a failing grade (subject to the approval of the principal).

Full Day Truancy

Full day truancy is defined as absence without excuse from three or more periods. A full day truancy will start on Truancy Step 2. Students accumulating 9 days per year or more full day truancies in the 180 previous school days per semester will be considered a chronic and habitual truants and may be asked to make a decision about withdrawal from school. In addition to truancy interventions from the Deans’ Office, police issuance of a municipal citation for truancy may be issued to the parent/ guardian.