March 20, 2025

PreACT and ACT testing for grades 9-11

On Tuesday, April 8th and Wednesday, April 9th, Thornton Fractional South High School will utilize a two-day test assessment window to conduct PreACT and ACT assessments and provide asynchronous instruction to students in Grade 9 – Grade 12. Students who are required to participate in the ACT Suite of Assessments will arrive at the South campus no later than 8:15 a.m. and report to their testing room locations. 

Timeline for Asynchronous Instruction & Assessment Days

Tuesday, April 8th                              8:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Grade 9

Freshmen participate in an asynchronous instruction day.

Grade 10

Sophomores participate in an asynchronous instruction day.

Grade 11

Juniors take the ACT (a graduation requirement)

Grade 12

Students finalize post-secondary plans.

Wednesday, April 9th                         8:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Grade 9

Freshmen take the PreACT 9.

Grade 10

Sophomores take the PreACT Secure. 

Grade 11

Juniors participate in an asynchronous instruction day. ACT make-up exams (if needed). 

Grade 12

Students finalize post-secondary plans.

We appreciate your support, assistance, and understanding through our transition to the digital ACT assessments.