Mental Health/Wellness

Mental Health Resources

This list is from the South Cook Intermediate Center. View a printable version here.

Services and Mental Health Resources for South Cook County, IL

24/7 Urgent Crisis Resources

Mental Health / Counseling

Substance Abuse Treatment

Domestic Violence:

Other Resources

NAMI South Suburbs of Chicago, 708-852-9126
PO Box 275, Olympia Fields, IL 60461

NAMI offers programs such as Family Support Groups; see their website for information and to sign up for their e-newsletter. 

Other locations - NAMI DuPage, 630-752-0066 or NAMI Will-Grundy, 815-409-7917


Student Social/Emotional Support Request

We recognize that at times you or someone you know may need support dealing with various issues, especially during times like these.  If you are experiencing school, home or personal problems that you would like to discuss, the Support Request form has been created as your “virtual pass” to request support from staff members in the Guidance Office.
Click here for access to the Request form.

Are you looking for other ways to manage anxiety and stress? Visit Ms. Zachary's Wellness Website for resources.