Foreign Language
The Language Department believes that the learning of foreign languages contributes to the personal and intellectual development of the individual. The aim is to increase awareness of cultural diversity and to facilitate and make more meaningful both travel and foreign study.
Another objective is to make possible greater communication with people of other countries and with newcomers in this country. From the beginning, emphasis is placed on attaining listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The structure of the language is introduced to make possible continued growth in comprehension and communication. Emphasis is on use of the language in the classroom and in outside preparation.
Foreign languages are elective; they are not required for graduation. Many colleges, however, require or recommend two years of language for admission. Others require or recommend three or four years of language. Many colleges have a language requirement for college graduation. In such cases, it is sometimes possible for a student to fulfill the requirement with this high school language study. The student should check the requirements of the colleges he or she is considering.
It is the recommendation of the department that the student continue, in sequence, with a given language. However, some students may choose to explore two different languages during their four years in high school. Students would then be able to complete at least two years of course work in each of two languages. A ninth grade student can enroll in Spanish II, provided the prerequisite course work has been done at the junior high/middle school. Spanish is offered at the advanced placement level. Depending upon enrollment, other languages may be offered up through the fourth level.