January 30, 2025

From the desk of Superintendent Robinzine

District 215 applied for and received a federally funded grant in the amount of $500,000 for a concealed weapons detection system, integrated overt camera intelligence system that detects people carrying weapons, hand-held metal detectors, and supervision mirrors. These weapons detectors are safe, do not impact anybody with medical conditions, are non-intrusive, and do not require students to empty their pockets. The machines use industry leading artificial intelligence to identify weapons, knives, and explosives, and will be placed at entrances in all three of our campuses, where all students and visitors will be screened as they enter our buildings. These detectors may also be utilized at other large events, such as school football and basketball games in order to ensure a safe environment for visitors and athletes alike.

In anticipation of the implementation of these systems, morning entry procedures will be modified at each campus. Starting February 3, 2025, all students will be required to utilize a single entry point as designated by each building’s administrative team. This will provide an opportunity for each administrative team to monitor and adjust the procedures as works best for the individual school. Further details on location and drop-off procedures will be communicated by your building principal.

As we move forward in implementation, regular updates will be provided, as well as opportunities for feedback. Safety is of the utmost importance to creating a safe and inviting educational environment. In conjunction with the other safety tools and procedures that are already in place, this safety measure will further that goal and will help us accomplish a weapon-free campus that can focus on educating our students. We appreciate the communities’ continued support and look forward to working with you as we move forward on this important initiative.

Yours in Education,

John M. Robinzine 