July 11, 2024

From the desk of Superintendent Robinzine

Dear Thornton Fractional High School District 215 Students and Families, 

I am excited and honored as we start the 2024-25 school year and my first year as your Superintendent of Schools. My focus as well as our staff is students first to ensure success for all. However, we cannot do this on our own. I encourage all of you to be in control of your academic journey. You decide the path that you want to take but be assured the administration, teachers, and staff of TFD 215 are here to assist you in any way to be successful and achieve all your high school goals. This handbook serves as a guide to ensure that you know your rights, responsibilities, and the expectations of the school district. It is important that you become familiar with the entire handbook and especially the student code of conduct. 

Making sure we provide a safe learning environment for all students/staff is our paramount focus. Please remember as you begin the school year that District 215 encourages use of the anonymous “See Something Say Something” Form on the website to report student safety and well-being concerns. I strongly encourage students and families to use caution with social media use, keeping in mind that threats, bullying and illegal activity on social media can result not only in disciplinary action, but legal ramifications. Many student conflicts are often traced back to social media comments. 

Parents and guardians, the school district recognizes that parental and family involvement is essential to the success of every student in our school district. When your expectations of your student’s behavior parallel those of the school, we know that our students achieve more and have a positive educational experience. Thus, we remain committed to creating a welcoming environment for all families. If you have a concern, it is always important to address that concern at the building level first. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teachers and administrators and explore our district website (tfd215.org) to learn more about the great things occurring in Thornton Fractional High School District 215 and how you can engage in our school activities. 

I am dedicated to continuing our partnership in achieving our mission of “providing diverse learning opportunities that inspire all students to become life-long learners who contribute to their community.” Our school district thrives because of this collective effort, focus and commitment of our Thornton Fractional High School students, staff, board of education members, parents, and community partners. I look forward to the work we will accomplish this school year, and I am humbled and grateful to serve as superintendent of such an extraordinary district.

Yours in Education,

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John M. Robinzine
