School Nurse's Office

Mrs. Bonny Gaspar, BSN, RN, PEL-CSN
Certified School Nurse

Mrs. Carpenter-Rawls, Medical Assistant 

NEW!! Required medical documents for incoming freshmen, returning seniors and new transfer students (all grades) must be turned into the nurses office before the school year starts. The student will not be able to start school without these required documents. There will NOT be an October 15th extension.

Freshman are required to submit a current physical filled out on the Illinois Child Health Exam form and a complete and up to date immunization record. A dental exam is due by May 15th of the upcoming year.

Seniors are required to provide proof of their 2nd meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine. No physical is required unless needed for athletics.

Transfer students who are new to the district (all grades) must present a current physical filled out on the Illinois Child Health Exam form and a complete and up to date immunization record.

Mission of school nurse office: to provide health care for illness and injuries that occur during the school day and work collaboratively with school administration/staff, health care practitioners, local EMS, and parents/guardians to provide for the safety and welfare of our students.

Illinois state school code requires that all students have a current physical and complete immunization record.

Parents/guardians should inform school nurse of any medical changes that may arise for their students. Please continue to provide school with accurate names and contact numbers for emergency contacts to guarantee the safety and wellbeing of our students.

The school nurse will administer medication when the appropriate medication form and properly contained medication is supplied and stored in the nurse's office. The school nurse retains authority to exercise medical judgment in the best interest of the student in each individual case. The school district retains the right to reject requests for the administration of medication.

Vision and hearing screening will be provided annually for all new students, special education students, and any students referred by their teachers.

Students with suspected communicable diseases will be sent home and will be required to have a health care provider statement for school readmission.

A health care provider statement is required and shall be appropriately updated when a student cannot take part in the regular physical education program or when any school accommodations are medically needed.