Online Registration Instructions-Incoming Freshmen


Parents/Guardians MUST register online by creating an account.  The directions are as follows:


  • Go to:


  • Create Parent Account Fill out the required information


    First Name                       This should be the parent's first name

    Last Name                        Enter parent's last name

    EMAIL                                  Enter parent's email address

    Desired Username        Enter what you would like to sign in with.Ex. jsmith

    Password                         Enter and create a password.

    Re-enter Password       Enter the password again.


    Link Students to Account:
    The Access ID and Password  for your student is located on the mailing label sent to your home with the summer mailing. Enter this information EXACTLY as it appears  on the label. It is CASE SENSITIVE.


    Student Name:    The name must be entered as it appears on the mailing label.

    Access ID:             This is on the mailing label.

    Access Password:This is on the mailing label.


    Once complete go to bottom of page and hit ENTER.


  • Go back to the POWER SCHOOL sign-in screen ( and LOG IN using the username and password that YOU just created.

  • Once you are signed in you need to access the ONLINE REGISTRATION portal by clicking on the Infosnap Student Registration link located on the bottom left-hand corner of the page(see image below).



Fill out the required information. You will know that you are finished when the screen says “SUBMISSION COMPLETED.”