AP Language & Composition
AP Language & Composition Summer Reading Assignment
Instructor Information:
- Ms. Hood
- Email: chood@tfd215.org
- Remind: Text @aplang2324 to 81010
Reading lists, book summaries, and full details
Please sign up for my Remind! The code is @aplang2324. If you have any questions about AP Lang, you can email me at chood@tfd215.org. I will check my email periodically over the summer.
Next year, everyone will be studying a “big idea” - music, WWII, chess - whatever interests you. I will explain this in more detail next fall, but it would be a good idea to start paying attention to what really interests you. Keep a list! I am going to have people avoid topics that could really impact your mental health (climate change, anxiety, etc.) because you will be reading about this topic all year. I want this to be an enjoyable experience for you.
The English department at North believes consistent reading is crucial to improve literacy, and reading different texts is crucial to developing your opinions and values. In addition, one of the best things you can do to do well in AP Lang is to have a broad knowledge of many things. The more you read, the more you know! So, read as much as you can this summer. Summer reading this year is enrichment only.
Literary Magazine hosts Battle of the Books each March. The more books you have read, the better your chances are of winning! Plus, here are even more books you might enjoy reading!
~Ms. Hood
Contact Information
Mrs. Wendy Bivins, English Teacher
Phone: (708) 585-1158
Email: wbivins@tfd215.org