Lauren Gladu, Assistant Principal of Building Control

(708) 585-2393

(708) 743-1661

Ray Smith, Dean

(708) 585-2314

Mr. Cowsen, Dean's Assistant

Ms. Ford, Dean's Assistant

Mr. Lowery, Dean's Assistant

Mr. Wright, Dean's Assistant

Secure the Bag

Secure the B.A.G. is a positive intervention to give students something positive to work toward each quarter. The B.A.G. encompasses the complete school experience for our students and reinforces that school is not just about academics, but other areas that will help build them into a productive person in our world. At the end of each quarter a celebration is held for students who attain two out of the three parts of the B.A.G. The students that can achieve all three parts of the B.A.G. are given special recognition and a gift that encourages them to continue to make their education a priority and motivates other students to be successful for the rest of the school year.

B- Behavior: Zero behavior referrals

A- Attendance: One or less absence

G- Grades: Honor Roll