To report an absence, please call the attendance line at (708) 585-9401
This is a voice mail line where you should leave your student's name and ID number, the reason for the absence, your name and relationship to the student, and number where you can be reached.
Please see the sections below for full policies & procedures.
Attendance Philosophy
Attendance Matters!
Students do better when they come to school, they do best when they miss less than two (2) days per month. Excessive absences result in a loss of instructional time, potentially making it difficult to pass classes and earn credits towards graduation.
District 215 is dedicated to preparing our students for diverse learning opportunities that inspire all students to become life-long learners who contribute to their community. Attending classes on time is a skill that translates into the future careers of D215 students.
The district attendance policy has been developed to meet our mission by promoting an effective learning climate for students and the efficient use of teacher time and school resources.
Only when students are present in their scheduled classes can the goals be achieved.
D215 must enforce the State of Illinois law regarding compulsory attendance.
Attendance Interventions & Supports
What happens if my student misses more than two days per month?
Our attendance team will attempt communication and interventions with the student and adults at home. Interventions are individualized, but may include - but are not limited to - parent calls, emails & texts; individual or group meetings with student(s); referral for additional supports from the PPS office; referral to outside mental health supports; detention; targeted in-school suspensions; home visits; parent meetings; and/or referral the regional office Truant Officer. In some cases of excessive absences a student may be dropped from enrollment due to poor attendance & lack of academic progress.
Students who are consecutively absent without a parent call-off for fifteen (15) days will be dropped from enrollment. Re-enrollment will require an in-person parent meeting.
Students are expected to remain in the building during their regularly scheduled school day. Under no circumstances are students to leave the building without the permission of the dean or school nurse. TO DO SO WILL BE TREATED AS TRUANCY. If a student becomes ill during the school day and receives permission from the nurse to go home, he or she will be given a pass from the nurse. This pass should be turned in to the Attendance Office before leaving school. Students will be released to the custody of their parents or guardians in the Attendance Office. If no parents or guardians are available, permission must be received from an assistant principal before the student is released.
Requests to leave school for other reasons must be verified by a telephone call from the parent/guardian, and official, written verification that the appointment occurred (e.g. doctor/dentist note, verification of court date or college visit). An excuse from school will be granted by the deans for only those matters that cannot be scheduled at any other time than during the school day.
Truancy is any day or period of non-attendance which is determined by school personnel as unexcused.
Single Period Truancy
The first single class truancy starts the student at Truancy Step 1. Each subsequent infraction moves the student to the next step. Students accumulating 6 unexcused absences to a single class period may be dropped from class for truancy with a failing grade (Subject to the approval of the principal).
Full-Day Truancy
Full-day truancy is defined as absence without excuse from three or more periods. A full day truancy will start on Truancy Step 2. Students accumulating 10 or more full day truancies per semester will be considered chronic and habitual truants and may be asked to make a decision about withdrawal from school. In addition to the following truancy consequences, police issuance of a municipal citation for truancy may be issued to the parent/guardian.
Attendance Policy & Procedures
Attendance Policy:
The attendance policy can be viewed in its entirety in the student handbook.
- All absences must be reported within 24-hours of the absence.
- The first 9 absences of the school year do not require documentation as long as a parent calls. Students are permitted nine (9) call-offs in a year without supporting documentation.
Beginning with the 10th absence
- Medical notes will be required to excuse additional absences.
- The student will enter multi-tiered systems of support to address chronic absenteeism concerns.
- Student absences that are not reported will be considered a truancy and treated as such.
Mental Health Days:
In 2022 the State of Illinois permitted mental health days to be an excused absence. Mental health days are NOT in addition to the nine (9) permitted absences.
Full Day Absence:
Any student who misses three (3) or more periods per day will be considered as a full day absence.
Calling In A Full Day Absence:
It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to notify the school of absences on the day of the absence. School personnel will determine the status (excused/unexcused) of the absence.
All absences (excused or unexcused) must be reported by a parent or guardian, preferably on the day of absence, by 3:00pm. We recognize that emergencies may make it difficult, please call and leave a message on the 24-hour voicemail at your earliest availability.
When calling in an absence please provide the following information:
- Student’s Name
- Student’s ID Number
- Reason for Absence
- Date(s) of Absence
- Caller’s Name
If your child is running late, please call BEFORE they arrive.
- North - 708-585-1007
- South - 708-585-2040
- Center - 708-585-9409
Early Release or Late Arrival:
Parent/Guardian must call the attendance line for all early release or late arrivals.
Going Home Sick:
Students who report sickness/illness must exit through the nurses’ office.
In cases where the nurse directs the student to go home for the day the absence will be considered excused.
Students who go home without the nurse’s permission will be unexcused-explained (UXP) until a medical note is received. However, if a student chooses to go home but does not have 9 absences, the absence will be considered excused.
Excessive Absences:
Students who have two or more unexcused (UNA/UXP/TRU) absences a month will progress through the multi-tiered systems of support. Refer to Attendance Supports & Services for more information.
Our attendance team will attempt communication and interventions with the student and adults at home. Interventions are individualized, but may include - but are not limited to - parent calls, emails & texts; individual or group meetings with student(s); referral for additional supports from the PPS office; referral to outside mental health supports; detention; targeted in-school suspensions; home visits; parent meetings; and/or referral the regional office Truant Officer.
Students who are consecutively absent without a parent call-off for fifteen (15) days will be dropped from enrollment. Re-enrollment will require an in-person parent meeting.
Excused Absences (EXC):
The student is entitled to full make-up privileges for excused absences. The student must meet make-up deadlines established by the teacher. Approved school related activities are not considered absences (eg, field trips).
Reasons for excused absences are identified by the State of Illinois:
- Illness (including mental health or behavioral health of the student)
- Observance of a religious holiday
- Death in the immediate family
- Attendance at a civic event (one per school year by following the pre-arranged absence procedures)
- Family emergency
- Other situations beyond the control of the students as determined by the Board of Education
- Voting
- Circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or safety
- Other reason as approved by the Superintendent or designee
- Hospitalization
- Court dates
- College visits – when Pre-Arranged Absence Procedures are followed
Unexcused & Truant Absences (UNA/UXP & TRU):
When a student is called in, their attendance may reflect UNA/UXP or TRU. These are all considered unexcused absences. The student is NOT entitled to full make-up privileges for unexcused absences. Make-up work/assessments is at the teacher’s discretion. Students cannot attend school related activities the day of an absence.
- UNA- Unexcused absence. Used the day of an absence when an adult call has not been received.
- UXP - Unexcused absence. Used when an adult calls in, but the student is over 9 absent days or the absence is not an identified valid reason.
- TRU - Truancy. Used when a student is absent and the absence is not confirmed by an adult. Truancy indicates that neither the school nor the family knew where the student was.
In order to comply with School Code, the school reserves the right to determine if an absence is excused. The school considers the following to be absences without valid cause, thereby resulting in them being unexcused:
- Oversleeping
- Car trouble
- “Cutting” class
- Missing the bus
- Missing one class to study for another or make up test and quizzes
- Shopping
- Extending prom weekend
- Resting or preparing for special events
- Senior Ditch Day
- Vacations
- No reason given
Please note that the items above are examples of unexcused absences. They do not constitute a complete list of incidents.
Attendance Staff
Vicky Torres, Attendance Line
- (708) 585-9401
Surlina Cabell, Attendance Counselor
- My Role/ Mi función
- (708) 585-9408
Samantha Cravens, District Truancy Social Worker
- (708) 585-9418
Attendance Tips
Across the country, more than 8 million students are missing so many days of school that they are academically at risk. Chronic absence — missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason—excused, unexcused absences and suspensions, can translate into third-graders unable to master reading, sixth-graders failing subjects and ninth-graders dropping out of high school. Read this research summary for more details.
Here are 10 practical tips to getting your child to school on time, every day:
1). Set attendance goals with your child and track your child's attendance on a calendar. Try offering small rewards for not missing any school, such as a later bedtime on weekends.
2). Help your child get a good night's sleep. A lack of sleep is associated with lower school achievement starting in middle school, as well as higher numbers of missed school and tardiness. Most younger children need 10-12 hours per night and adolescents (13-18 years of age) need 8-10 hours per night. Check how many hours your child needs here.
3). Prep the night before to streamline your morning. Lay out your child's clothes. Pack backpacks and lunches. Develop back-up plans for getting to school if something comes up like a missed bus or an early meeting. Have a family member, a neighbor, or another trusted adult on standby to take your child to school should you ever need help.
4). Try to schedule dental or medical appointments before or after school hours. If children have to miss school for medical appointments, have them return immediately afterward so they do not miss the entire day.
5). Schedule extended trips during school breaks. This helps your child stay caught up in school learning and sets the expectation for your child to be in school during the school year. Even in elementary school, missing a week of classes can set your child behind on learning.
6). Don't let your child stay home unless he or she is truly sick. Reasons to keep your child home from school include a temperature greater than 101 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, a hacking cough, or a toothache. Keep in mind, complaints of frequent stomachaches or headaches can be a sign of anxiety and may not be a reason to stay home. See School Avoidance: Tips for Concerned Parents.
7). Talk with your child about the reasons why he or she does not want to go to school. School-related anxiety can lead to school avoidance. Talk to your child about their symptoms and try to get them to talk about any emotional struggles they may have with issues like bullying, fear of failure, or actual physical harm. If you are concerned about your child's mental health, talk with your pediatrician, your child's teacher, or school counselor.
8). If your child has a chronic health issue such as asthma, allergies, or seizures, talk with your pediatrician about developing a school action plan. Meet with and get to know the nurse at your child's school. If you need guidance and documentation for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, ask for your pediatrician's help accessing services at school.
9). Follow the rules. Be sure you know what your school's requirements are for when your child will be absent or late. If you are supposed to call, email, or provide a doctor's note after a certain number of days out, then do it. If we want our children to follow rules, we must lead by example. Cross your t's and dot your i's when it comes to these procedures.
10). Keep track of your child's attendance and investigate reasons when the days missed add up. Look into why your child is absent. Think about your child's mood. Has she been spending time by herself lately? Is his chronic condition starting to be more problematic? Is this school refusal? You know your child best.
Consecutive Absences
Extended Illness/Medical Procedures:
A medical statement from a licensed physician must be submitted to the attendance office if a student is absent for five (5) or more consecutive days due to an illness or medical procedure.
In some cases of extended illness Homebound Services may be appropriate. Contact the building social worker for more information.
- North - 708-585-1007
- South - 708-585-2040
- Center - 708-585-9409
Planned Absences:
A planned absence may be organized for medical procedures or other reasons a student may be absent for five (5) or more consecutive days. Call the attendance office to begin the process for a planned absence
Parents are to communicate with the SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER in cases of extended illness to determine if Homebound Services are warranted.
Planned absences for vacation will be honored, however, absences may be considered unexcused and student may not be eligible to make up work or assessments.
Homebound Services:
Upon approval of the assistant principal for pupil personnel services, instruction may be provided through homebound tutoring in cases of extended illness. Homebound tutoring will constitute continuous instruction.
Excessive Absences and Medical Documents:
Excessive absence is defined as more than 10 days per semester. The school administration may require excessively absent students to provide medical documentation indicating the nature of the illness and specific dates to be excused. Failure to provide medical documentation will cause the student to be considered truant. See "Truancy Consequences." Student will be placed on the appropriate step. (Step III, IV or V)
Tardy Policy & Procedures
Punctuality is a student's responsibility. Failure to enter the classroom prior to the final ringing of the tardy bell will be recorded as a tardy or as stipulated in writing by the teacher and signed by all students as classroom procedures.
The building administration may prohibit student admission to class when a student is tardy. Such a measure may be necessary either on a selected or continuing basis to ensure that tardiness does not disrupt the educational process.
Students detained by a teacher must obtain a pass from that teacher before attempting to be admitted to their next class. Students may not leave a class to which they are tardy in an attempt to solicit a pass.
Multiple tardies to any class will result in disciplinary action. The Deans' Office, Nurse/Clinic, Guidance Office, and Bookstore do not issue excuses for tardies.
All tardies will be reported to the Deans'/Attendance office on the day of the tardy. Students accumulating multiple tardies, per class, per semester, will be counseled and/or disciplined at the indicated levels.